The unparalleled acceptance and success of the Twist-Lock? line is a tribute to the quality of this long lasting design. When selecting premium plugs and connectors for the Entertainment Industry, the decision is Hubbell.
Hubbell Insulgrip? plugs and connectors continue our long-standing tradition of leadership as well as innovative design. The tough nylon body provides impact and chemical resistance commonly needed in the Entertainment Industry. The durable and powerful offsetting cord grip clamps on individual conductors and outer cord jackets prevent strain on the terminals. It’s these and many other features that set Hubbell performance above all others.
Since 1929, when Harvey Hubbell obtained the first patents on Twist-Lock devices and introduced them to the market, they have been the standard for the Entertainment Industry. Today, Hubbell Insulgrip Twist-Lock Devices continue to set the standard against which all quality industrial wiring devices are measured. The Insulgrip line includes plugs, connectors, flanged inlets and outlets and flush mounting receptacles. With a single piece dust shield, tough nylon housing, visible identification and a roomy wiring chamber, these devices offer the most powerful cord grip in the industry.