Physics Teachers, Electronics Teachers, Robotics Teachers: This book is for you! Use it as a textbook with your students. This book is a place of discovery for anyone wishing to learn more on the topic of robotics. This book is a useful add-on to the ASURO manual and a compendium with answers to the problems found in assembling the ASURO. It is aimed at the novice who may feel uncomfortable using basic electronics, while serving as a guide to the fascinating world of mechatronics. It is, in fact, a compendium and a college textbook for anyone who is on his way to assembling the 150 pieces into a working ASURO robot. Enjoy! And have MORE FUN with your ASURO!
110 Pages
Includes Free Experiment PCB
Great for Use with Students in the Classroom as a Lab Manual
Chapter 1: Gives Detailed Specifications and Explanations of the ASURO's Motor, Gearbox, and Odometry Systems
Chapter 2: Describes the Fundamentals of Electronics and Mechanics; Details for Components (Resistors, Diodes, Transistors and ICs) as Well as the Basics for Electronic Designs and an Introduction to Sequential Data Transfer Will Be Found; Detailed Information Is Given on the ASURO's Different Sensors and LEDs
Chapter 3: C Language Programming for the ASURO; Expands on the Basics of C Programming Already Covered in the ASURO Manual
Chapters 4-6: Give Students Problems to Be Solved; Perfect for Your Physics, Electronics, or Robotics Class
Chapters 7-9: Give the Solutions to the Problems Given in Chapters 4-6
Chapters 10-11: Describe Some Minor Modifications You May Want to Make to Your ASURO; also Includes the Design for Making Your Own Ultrasonic Distance Measurement System