Evaluation Kit for XRP7725 Programmable Power Universal PMIC, EXAR
The XRP7725EVB-DEMO-2 KITA board is a complete, four channel, power system. It provides 3.3V, 2.5V 1.5V and 1V at a maximum of 3A, 3A, 5A and 10A loads respectively. The 1.5V and 1V supplies can be adjusted in 2.5mV increments, the 2.5V supply in 5mV increments, and the 3.3V supply is adjustable in 10mV increments. The order and ramp rates for each supply can be programd to accommodate any sequencing requirement. All power supply operations can be controlled over an I2C interface. Faults, output voltages and currents can also be monitored. Two GPIO and three PSIO signals are available and can be programd to provide a variety of functions. Unused GPIO/PSIO pins can be programd as I/O expansion for a microcontroller. The board is supported by PowerArchitectTM 5.1 and plugs directly onto the Exar Communications Module (XRP77xxEVB-XCM). The Kit contains the Evaluation Board XRP7725, Power Architect Software, XRP77XXEVB-XCM USB-I2C Module and Interposer Board.