The 4080 series models are versatile, laboratory grade synthesized function generators with a wide frequency range up to 120 MHz. Direct digital synthesis (DDS) techniques are used to create stable, accurate output signals for all 27 built-in standard and complex (arbitrary) waveforms. The generators produce high purity, low distortion sine waves, and provide a full suite of analog modulation capabilities including AM, FM, FSK, PSK, pulse modulation, burst mode, and linear/logarithmic sweep combined with multiple trigger modes. These function generators are ideal for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in training and education.
Wide frequency range of 1 uHz up to 120 MHz for Sine
Sine and square output plus 27 additional built-in arbitrary waveforms
Clean and stable output of very small signals down to the 1 mV to 10 mV range (50 ohms)
Support of internal and external modulation sources as well as internal, external, and gated trigger sources
Convenient data input via numeric keypad or knob
Adjust modulation parameters precisely and over a wide range
Fully programmable via the standard RS232 interface using SCPI compatible commands
100 MHz Universal Counter with frequency measurement and totalize function